Friday, September 12, 2008

The Inaugural Danifesto Gold Star

This is the first in a series that I will be continuing from here on out.  Every weekday (and possibly weekends too) I will be awarding a special Danifesto Gold Star to the person who gives the day's best quote.  I'll judge quotes based on both content and context.  If you ever come across a quote that you think is worthy of such an esteemed honor, send it my way!

And without further ado, the very first Danifesto Gold Star goes to....

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL)

In response to Sarah Palin's fake complimenting of Hillary Clinton, Congresswoman Schultz offered the following statement:

"Sarah Palin should spare us the phony sentiment and respect.  Governor Palin accused Senator Clinton of whining and John McCain laughed when a questioner referred to her by using a demeaning expletive.  John McCain and Sarah Palin represent no meaningful change, just the same failed policies and same divisive, demeaning politics that has devastated the middle class."

Well said.  Thank you Debbie, and congratulations on being selected to receive the first Gold Star in the history of The Danifesto.

1 comment:

LoquaciousMuse said...

I LOVE this addition.

There were some fantastic quotes on Bill Maher tonight. The guests were Roseanne Barr, Paul Begala, Janeane Garofalo, John Fund and Salman Rushdie. There should be some great material in there if you can catch the episode or check out some of the quotes that get posted on his HBO site under "episode guide"
Episode 132.
Love this addition!